Monday, April 5, 2010

Behold, New Iron Man 2 Posters!

Well, the almost non-existent viral campaign for the upcoming Iron Man film has finally kicked off, with several teaser posters and a website dedicated to "Star Expo 2010" now available. Also an exclusive poster can be picked up by fan-boys at this years Wonder-Con featuring Scarlett Johansson's character "Black Widow" looking dark and sexy for this years sequel to the 2008 hit 'Iron Man'. 

Friday, April 2, 2010

First Images For 'Resident Evil: Afterlife'

Yesterday images for the forthcoming Sony Entertainment motion-pic 'Resident Evil: Afterlife' was released, starring Milla Jovovich and Ali Later, 'Resident Evil: Afterlife' is written and directed by W.S. Anderson. 'Afterlife' is the fourth in the Resident Evil series, and will pick up after the events of 'Resident Evil: Extinction'. 

The movies, which are based on the hugely successful Capcom video games of the same name will feature Milla Jovovich as Alice, along with Ali Larter as Claire Redfield and Wentworth Miller her brother, Chris Redfield. The world-wide release date for 'Resident Evil: Afterlife' is set for 2010.

Second 'Nightmare On Elm Street' Trailer

A second trailer for soon-to-be released Platinum Dunes remake of 'Nightmare On Elm Street' has been released on the internet, with a better sample of Jackie Earle Haley's version of Freddy Krueger. I'm hopeful that it will do well, but also I am a little worried. Although I do like the original the best I am a little disappointed at the fact that alot of the original death scenes are being recycled. Don't get me wrong, i do love a good slasher - but not with all the same stuff. 

But I remain hopeful and as the trailer shows us, all the same stuff can still scare us out of our pants!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

'Toy Story 3' trailer and Info

Woody and Buzz had accepted that their owner Andy would grow up someday, but what happens when that day arrives? In The third installment, Andy is preparing to depart for college, leaving his loyal toys troubled about their uncertain future.
                                                                                     - Pixar Studios 

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Chris Evans Offered 'Captain America' Role

As most movie oriented people know, the upcoming 'Avengers' movie is now close on the horizon and lately Marvel Studios has been hard at work searching for its title role of Steve Rogers/Captain America. The search has brought in a good number of variations, and now after a number of auditions it seems that Marvel has made their choice.

The Hollywood Reporter reported that Chris Evans has been offered the deal of a nine-picture contract, the first of these films starting of with 'The First Avenger: Captain America' which will be released next year. The biggest of these films will be the long awaited 'Avengers' movie due out in 2011, which will bring together a number of other Marvel superhero films including the 'Iron Man' franchise, 'The Hulk' and the due to start production 'Thor' movie.

Although Evans hasn't accepted the role yet, it is only a mater of time before he does. 'The First Avenger: Captain America' is due out next year. 

Friday, March 19, 2010

'Transformers 3' Script Finished and Ready To Go, Says Franchise Co-star Josh Duhamel.

With 'Transformers 3' set to start filming this May we are looking at a July, 2011 release, there has been some recent developments in details that suggest that the official script has been finished and Bay can begin on production of this badass. 

The news came from franchise Co-star Josh Duhamel, who was recently interviewed by MTV in Los Vegas on Thursday. Josh said, "I read it yesterday,"he said. "I think after reading it, I was really pleasantly surprised and happy. They did a great job."

While Duhamel was keen to talk of his character he seemed resistant to reveal much of the plot, but ventured to say that the script includes some new robots and story elements from foundational "Transformers" story lines. "They put a lot of time and thought into this. What I think is really cool is they went back into the history of 'Transformers.' They didn't really make anything up. They're using stuff that actually existed in the story from before." Which seems to suggest that Bay is at work shaping the core mythology of the Transformers. 

Thanks to MTV, you can view the Interview below:

Predators Update: Trailer

The first ever trailer for the upcoming Predators movie is now online! It was origionally screened last friday at the SXSW film festival, and now it is available to view right here at Movie Mayhem. The basic story outline goes like this; In the future, Earths elite warriors are being captured and rounded up. On this planet they are hunted for sport by a merciless race known as Predators.

I hope you enjoy it as much as we did, so suit up and get ready for some Predators action! Thanks to Cinema Blend for the video player.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Avatar 2? Unfortunately No, The Other Blue People are Back!

That's right Avatar, step aside and make way for the other blue people on the block - the Smurfs! It has been 30 something years since those lovable blue people have been seen on the TV scene, but now they are back in a CGI/live-action hybrid that is starting to get some momentum. 

The casting list has grown since the news first reached us here a Movie Mayhem, with news of "I Kissed a Girl and I liked it" singer Katey Perry voicing the biggest small woman on TV "Smurfette", and 'How I Meet Your Mother" star Neil Patrick Harris playing what sounds like a new human character not originaly on the tv show. Other actors include Goerge Lopez, Alan Cumming and  Jonathan Winters.

Director Raja Gosnell is aiming for a July 29th, 2011, release. Which will most likely be in 3D. Visit regularily for more updates.

Sony sacking Reitman for Ghostbuster 3?

The latest was that Ghostbusters 3 was set for production, with original Ghostbusters producer and director Ivan Reitman directing. If only things went right, we would be looking at a 2011 release at the latest, but now Sony has indicated that they wish to sack Reitman for a hot new director, as is the case with the Spider-Man franchise. 

The only catch is that Reitman himself who, along with original cast members Murray, Ramis and Akyroyd signed a contract which gave them the power over a any sequel. Which is where the problem lies, Reitman has said that he has no intention of letting Sony do it without him. 

So we are stuck with a bitter Sony, which don't want him, and a stubborn director who wont let Sony do it without him. Things don't look to bright for Ghostbusters 3, and in this case I sympathize with Sony on this one. Reitman hasn't done a decent film for years, and I can't say I trust him with Ghostbusters 3. It was almost a fairy tale when the news reached me that all the origional cast including Bill Murray was coming together to make another sequel, and in this case it was to good to be true. Lets just hope this is sorted out soon.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Predators Update: teaser poster

Official? Not official? You be the judge.